Get your hands dirty with this unique family activity! Use paint and paper for this modern and minimalist twist on handprint wall art! #k3famILY

This activity can be updated each year as your family grows!
For best results, choose colors with high contrast for greater impact. [H/T to Creatively Living (http://www.creativelylivingblog.com/…/gallery-wall-kid-art-…) for the inspiration!]

![[Image description A white male is crouched down in front of two young children, signing. The child in the foreground has his hand in his mouth watching intently while the child in the background looks on while twirling her hair. At the bottom in blue text reads,"KODA Family Fun Night’, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family”.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/16122466_240382483072564_5426573900119015424_n.jpg)
Looking for ideas to have a KODA Family Fun Night this week? Try creating and performing ASL A-Z stories! Creative language play is a great way to explore ASL! There are many variations to how to host an A-Z story night, here are a couple different ways for your family to try out!
A-Z Idol: Everyone in the family develops their own A-Z story and performs in front of a panel of judges!
A-Z Categories: Starting with a single theme (like animals or sports), each member of your family invents an A-Z story that incorporates or builds on the theme. Extend the game by playing several rounds, each with a unique theme.
Team A-Z: Break into teams, or work together as family to create a collective A-Z story. Working in order, each member of the group takes turns contributing one letter/sign to the story.
Creative language play is a great way to expand the understanding of, and use of signed language in your home! What A-Z story did your family create? Take a video and show us what your family created together!
![[Image description A white male is crouched down in front of two young children, signing. The child in the foreground has his hand in his mouth watching intently while the child in the background looks on while twirling her hair. At the bottom in blue text reads,"KODA Family Fun Night’, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family”.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/16122466_240382483072564_5426573900119015424_n-50x50.jpg)
![[Video Description: In this video a pair of white hands demonstrates the creation of wrapping paper using potatoes, pairing knives, colored paint, and butcher paper. After laying out all of the items, the hands are seen cutting a potato in half and carving a heartfinity symbol and I-Love-You symbol into it. Next red paint is spread on a paper plate and the heartfinity potato-stamp is used to press the shape into a pattern on the butcher paper. The same is done with blue paint and the I-Love-You potato stamp. The sheet of paper is cut and wrapped around a red box.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/famVid.png)
Give your gifts that extra special touch - make your own wrapping paper! Turn this into a fun family event- all you need is a roll of butcher paper, potatoes, knives, paint and your creativity! #k3famILY
[Video Description: In this video a pair of white hands demonstrates the creation of wrapping paper using potatoes, pairing knives, colored paint, and butcher paper. After laying out all of the items, the hands are seen cutting a potato in half and carving a heartfinity symbol and I-Love-You symbol into it. Next red paint is spread on a paper plate and the heartfinity potato-stamp is used to press the shape into a pattern on the butcher paper. The same is done with blue paint and the I-Love-You potato stamp. The sheet of paper is cut and wrapped around a red box.]
![[Video Description: In this video a pair of white hands demonstrates the creation of wrapping paper using potatoes, pairing knives, colored paint, and butcher paper. After laying out all of the items, the hands are seen cutting a potato in half and carving a heartfinity symbol and I-Love-You symbol into it. Next red paint is spread on a paper plate and the heartfinity potato-stamp is used to press the shape into a pattern on the butcher paper. The same is done with blue paint and the I-Love-You potato stamp. The sheet of paper is cut and wrapped around a red box.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/famVid-50x50.png)

Organize an ASL book reading event with parents and kids. Contact your local library, bookstore, or school to plan a storytime event in ASL and invite community members to attend. Parents or kids (or both!) can read and sign a story of their choosing!

A great campfire and some delicious s’mores are perfect for a summer night! Looking to mix it up and try something new? Here are some delicious creations for you to enjoy with family & friends: LINK - http://www.thekitchn.com/12-creative-smores-for-a-party-gatherings-from-the-kitchn-192834

De'VIA (Deaf View/ Image Art) is a form of artistic expression that reflects features of Deaf cultural experience(s). These works often contain various themes, from ASL and Deaf Culture, to audism and medicalization. Since 1989 Deaf artists have used a variety of mediums to create work all over the world. How can you use art to explore your own cultural experiences? Get the whole family together and create art with your own two hands! All you need is paint, hands, and, of course, creativity to turn your handprints into masterpieces! See what we created here: https://goo.gl/Da6Fdr For inspiration check out De’VIA artist Chuck Baird’s work: https://goo.gl/Hjk5oS

![[image description: a screenshot of the Koda Family Fun Night cookie Cutter video.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Screen-Shot-2017-05-26-at-6.04.31-PM.png)
Show off your very own custom shaped cookies at upcoming holiday parties or family gatherings! Designing & creating your own cookie cutters is easy, you’ll just need a foil pan liner along with some other materials, a delicious cookie recipe, and your two hands. Take a peek at the video below to see what the KODAheart team created!
[Video Description: In this video a pair of white hands demonstrates the creation of homemade cookie cutters using foil pans, pen, rule, scissors, and super glue. Text in the video reads “Koda Family Fun Night,” and “KODAheart #k3famILY.” After laying out all the items, the hands put on gloves. The edges of the foil pan are trimmed off and, using a marker and ruler, the pan is carefully measured. A line is drawn (vertically) creating strips that are four inches wide. Next, dotted lines are added that mark the mid-point of each of these strips (at two inches wide). The scissors are used to cut out the four inch strips. Carefully, the foil is folded over so that each long edge reaches the dotted-midline. Finally, the strip is folded at the midline, creating a strong, narrow strip with no exposed edges. These are then bent and folded to form shapes. A white paper with the “I-Love-You” handshape is used as a guide. One strip is added to another, extending it length, by sliding it into the center fold of the first strip. After the shape has been formed, super glue is added to the edges of the strips and secured with binder clips to dry. Cookie dough is rolled out on a table and the finished cookie cutters are pressed into the dough, forming four “I-Love-You” shaped cookies. Next, heartfinity shaped cookie cutters are pressed into dough, followed by smaller cutters that remove the empty space in this design. In the final shot, is a plate full of heartfinity and “I-Love-You” shaped cookies. To left are the cookie cutters. A white hand lifts a cookie from the tray, while a second hand gives a “thumbs-up!”
![[image description: a screenshot of the Koda Family Fun Night cookie Cutter video.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Screen-Shot-2017-05-26-at-6.04.31-PM-50x50.png)
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in orange at the bottom of the photo. The photograph is of white hand holding a phone with the Pokemon go app open in a wooded area. In the top left corner "KODAheart #k3family" in an orange color.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/pokemon.jpg)
People everywhere are trying to catch ‘em all on PokemonGo! Turn this new fad into a fun activity for your family! Get outdoors and search for new creatures as a team. Find yourselves developing name signs for the Pokemon you encounter? Check out @Veditz’s (goo.gl/GfF38S) breakdown of the different Pokemon signs, and contribute your own! For some ideas, also take a look at Langue Turquoise LSF’s video (goo.gl/7VDn3L) It’s a great way to work together, play with language, and come up with creative ways to describe your pokedex! Share with us your favorite pokemon and their name signs below!
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in orange at the bottom of the photo. The photograph is of white hand holding a phone with the Pokemon go app open in a wooded area. In the top left corner "KODAheart #k3family" in an orange color.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/pokemon-50x50.jpg)
![[Image Description: A thumb painted green growing in a burgundy pot filled with soil. Rust colored text reads, "KODA Family Fun Night" and "KODAheart #k3famILY".]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15110250_1158624820890747_3439755398747823926_o.jpg)
April showers bring May flowers, or in this case tomatoes, basil, and thyme!
![[Image Description: Two different photos side by side, On the left is a collection of plant seeds, fertilizer, and a stack of empty seed starter pods. On the right are a few rows of pods with a few seedlings popping out of the soil ]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15094253_1158624814224081_8858609160135008055_n-150x150.jpg)
To start your garden indoors, you’ll need seed starter pots, soil, and your choice of seeds! Don’t forget to label each row so when the seeds pop you’ll know which plant is what!
![[Image Description: A thumb painted green growing in a burgundy pot filled with soil. Rust colored text reads, "KODA Family Fun Night" and "KODAheart #k3famILY".]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15110250_1158624820890747_3439755398747823926_o-50x50.jpg)
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in a light green color at the bottom of the photo, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family" also in light green. The photograph is of a small hand filling up a purple paper cone with blue and pink popcorn. The cone has a yellow handle. A larger hand is assisting by holding the bottom of the cone.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15025564_1158624810890748_6282636026028681843_o.jpg)
Spring is just around the corner and what better way to celebrate than making a May Day Basket to share with others.
![[Image Description: Five images detailing the steps required to make May-Day basket gifts. In the first image, a child’s hand rolls a piece of construction paper into a cone, leaving a large flap at the top. In the second, a construction paper handle has been attached to the wide top of the cone, and popcorn has filled it. In the third, the extra flap at the top has folded over the opening, forming a lid. In the fourth picture, oblong petals of different sizes have been cut out of construction paper. In the final image, the petals have been threaded on the sticks of lollypops, forming flowers.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/14990923_1158629094223653_2344434034575530227_o-150x150.jpg)
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in a light green color at the bottom of the photo, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family" also in light green. The photograph is of a small hand filling up a purple paper cone with blue and pink popcorn. The cone has a yellow handle. A larger hand is assisting by holding the bottom of the cone.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15025564_1158624810890748_6282636026028681843_o-50x50.jpg)
![[Image Description: A long table with a wood top and black metal legs, surrounded by eight black metal chairs with wooden seats. In the center of the table, a glass vase holds purple flowers. To the right, a metal stand holds a white sign with black text that reads "Reserved". Purple text hovers over the table, reading "Koda Family Fun Night" and in the bottom left corner, purple text reads "KODAheart #k3family"]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam2.jpg)
For #deafawarenessweek plan a Deaf Community Night Out for your family! Choose a delicious local dining establishment and invite other c/koda families to join you. When making the reservation, take the opportunity to educate restaurant employees; let them know that your group will use signed language(s) to communicate and ask that wait staff has notepads ready at the table to take orders. Engage in a family conversation with kodas about negotiating these experiences with non-signing hearing people. Discuss how to educate hearing people about sign language and appropriate communication styles.
![[Image Description: A long table with a wood top and black metal legs, surrounded by eight black metal chairs with wooden seats. In the center of the table, a glass vase holds purple flowers. To the right, a metal stand holds a white sign with black text that reads "Reserved". Purple text hovers over the table, reading "Koda Family Fun Night" and in the bottom left corner, purple text reads "KODAheart #k3family"]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam2-50x50.jpg)
![[Image description: A shiny white plate, spoon and fork on a black placemat, atop a wooden table. In blue text: “Koda Family Fun Night” and “KODAheart #k3famILY”]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15000117_1158624967557399_8611898737407481286_o.jpg)
Looking for ideas to have a KODA Family Fun Night this week? Try making dinner together as a family! Getting creative in the kitchen and sharing a meal together at the table is a great chance to connect as a family! #k3famILY
Try making personal pizzas! An English muffin, tortilla shell, or a piece of naan bread serve as great pizza crusts! Spread tomato sauce and top with your favorite veggies and cheese. Get creative in your combinations and vote as a family on the best one!
What did your family make for dinner? Take a picture and show us what your family created together!
![[Image description: A shiny white plate, spoon and fork on a black placemat, atop a wooden table. In blue text: “Koda Family Fun Night” and “KODAheart #k3famILY”]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/15000117_1158624967557399_8611898737407481286_o-50x50.jpg)
![[Image Description: A wooden cart with a red wheel is loaded with different sizes of orange, green and brown pumpkins and gourds. Red text reads ‘Koda Family Fun Night’ and ‘KODAheart #k3famILY’]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam3.jpg)
Enjoy the autumn weather and fun fall festivities as a family! Make a trip to your local pumpkin patch and explore the outdoors together. Have each member pick out their own pumpkin canvas of choice. Get creative in designing your pumpkin carving! At home, gather the needed supplies to create your own masterpiece and get to work. Post pictures your family creations!

![[Image Description: A wooden cart with a red wheel is loaded with different sizes of orange, green and brown pumpkins and gourds. Red text reads ‘Koda Family Fun Night’ and ‘KODAheart #k3famILY’]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam3-50x50.jpg)
![[Image description: Four marshmallow snowpeople are displayed on skewers placed inside a coffee cup for support. They are all outfitted with pretzel arms, candy hats, eyes and buttons. Behind them are several bowls of different colors. At the bottom at the photo is green text "KODA Family Fun Night’, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family”.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam4.jpg)
Make a snow person as a family- use items/props from around the house! No snow? No problem- here is a fun “indoor” snow person activity!
![[Image description: A pic stitch comprised of 5 photographs displays step by step how to put together a marshmallow snow person. The portrait oriented photo to the left shows 4 different colored bowls with different candies in each next to a pile of skewers. The next photo shows marshmallows being placed one on top of another onto skewers, then decorated with candy and pretzels. The last photograph shows two completed marshmallow snow persons.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam4a-150x150.jpg)
![[Image description: Four marshmallow snowpeople are displayed on skewers placed inside a coffee cup for support. They are all outfitted with pretzel arms, candy hats, eyes and buttons. Behind them are several bowls of different colors. At the bottom at the photo is green text "KODA Family Fun Night’, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family”.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam4-50x50.jpg)
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in a dark teal color in the upper right hand corner. The photograph is of two hands with multi colored mittens on. In the lower left hand corner "KODAheart #k3family" in a dark teal color.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam5.png)
Give those winter mittens another fun use; get your family together to play a fun and challenging game! Take turns describing a movie to the others while wearing a pair of finger-less gloves. The performer will only be able to use the “B” or “5” handshapes to describe the plot or the actors while the others try to guess the name of the movie. Don’t forget to talk to each other about the importance of handshapes in signed languages: How does a sign change if we use one handshape instead of another? How does the handshape affect the meaning of depicting verbs or classifiers?
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in a dark teal color in the upper right hand corner. The photograph is of two hands with multi colored mittens on. In the lower left hand corner "KODAheart #k3family" in a dark teal color.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam5-50x50.png)
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in yellow at the top of a photograph of a black background with a grouping of glowing jack-o-lanterns in various sizes and shapes. At the bottom right is the text "KODAheart #k3family" also in yellow.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/k3-famILY-costumes1.jpg)
This year get creative with your costumes! Last year we put together a list of fun costume ideas (http://kodaheart.com/
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in yellow at the top of a photograph of a black background with a grouping of glowing jack-o-lanterns in various sizes and shapes. At the bottom right is the text "KODAheart #k3family" also in yellow.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/k3-famILY-costumes1-50x50.jpg)

Here’s a great idea for those old camp or conference shirts sitting in your closet: turn these forgotten shirts into bags! Such a cool way to preserve the memories and to reuse old pieces of clothing collecting dust. The uses for these bags are endless! #k3famILY
[Video Description: In this video a pair of white hands demonstrates the creation of a hand bag using a t-shirt, marker, ruler, scissors, and plate. Text in the video reads “Koda Family Fun Night,” and “KODAheart #k3famILY.” After laying out all the items, the sleeves of the shirt are trimmed off near the seam. Using a marker and a plate, a line is drawn (around the neckline) creating a guide on where to cut. Once cut pull the t-shirt inside out. Using the ruler and the marker draw a line (horizontal) across shirt (2-3 inches). The scissors are used to cut out fringe strips (½ inch wide). Once all the strips are cut, pick an end of the shirt. Select the last three fringe strips and tie knots in them using each pair fringe strip and then from one pair to another. Repeat this process all the way until all fringe strips are tied together and then to other fringe strips. Once finished flip the shirt inside out and test it out by putting something in it like a water bottle.]

![[Image Description: A photo of two bicycles, standing side-by side, next to a wooded path. The image is cropped so that only the seat and back tires of the bicycles are visible. Superimposed text reads, “Koda Family Fun Night, KODAheart #k3famILY.”]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam-Act-Bike.jpg)
Having a Family Fitness Activity is a great way to bond as a family, while at the same time working on keeping everyone in the family physically active. One of our favorite family fitness activities is to hit your neighborhood’s nearest hike and/or bike trail. Load up a backpack or small cooler with supplies like water bottles and healthy snacks, then hop up on your bicycles and explore the trail as a family. Make sure not to forget those helmets (safety first!). Don’t have bikes? You can still lace up those sneakers and go for a run or even a hike on the trail. It’s a great way to stay active while immersing your children (and yourselves) in the beauty of nature.
![[Image Description: A photo of two bicycles, standing side-by side, next to a wooded path. The image is cropped so that only the seat and back tires of the bicycles are visible. Superimposed text reads, “Koda Family Fun Night, KODAheart #k3famILY.”]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam-Act-Bike-50x50.jpg)
![[Image description: An image of many feet, wearing sneakers, running on pavement. Some legs are visible from the knee down. Some of the legs are blurred from movement. At the bottom of the photo orange text reads, “KODA Family Fun Night" and "KODAheart #k3family".]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam-Act-Run.jpg)
Support a cause that directly impacts the deaf community and get moving as a family! Many organizations host a variety of family friendly run/walk events as fundraisers or to raise awareness within the community. Seek out organizations that work within your community, like the ASL run series, benefiting the Indiana school for the deaf; Run Walk Sign event, helping to spread awareness of the deaf community; Deaf Services Center, supporting koda programs in Ohio; and the Helen Keller Walk hosted by @Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults, advocating for the deaf-blind community. If you can’t be there in person, don’t worry! Many of these events have a virtual option, allowing your family to participate locally, while you are making an impact nationally! #internationalweekofthedeaf #internationaldeafweek #deafawareness #deafawarenessweek #IWD2017 #deafawarenessweek2017
![[Image description: An image of many feet, wearing sneakers, running on pavement. Some legs are visible from the knee down. Some of the legs are blurred from movement. At the bottom of the photo orange text reads, “KODA Family Fun Night" and "KODAheart #k3family".]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Fam-Act-Run-50x50.jpg)
![[Image description: a photo of a young white girl in a jean jacket. She is holding a card in front of her chin and mouth. On the card is a photo of a mouth, with silly, pursed lips. Pink overlaid text reads, “Koda Family Fun Night” and “KODAheart #k3famILY.”]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/k3Fam-GameNight.jpg)
What better way to have fun and infuse a little competition into your evening than a Family Game Night? Get the family together for a fun evening of silly games!
Start out with “Read My Lips.” In this game players try to guess words and phrases by observing the lip movements of other players. Break into teams of two. Each player on the team will alternate between two roles; a “speaker”, who mouths the words and phrases, and a “lipreader,” who attempts to guess them. The speaker cannot make any sound or gesture; otherwise, his team forfeits its turn. This game could be a great teaching tool for the hearing friends of your family- show them just how hard lipreading can be!
Not a fan of “Read My Lips”? That’s fine, try “Heads Up” instead. "Heads Up!", a game made popular by TV’s Ellen, is a similar game where one player tries to guess a word or phrase described by the remaining players before the timer runs out! You may work in teams or in pairs for this game.
Both of these games can be played as an actual game that you can purchase, or as an app on your iPhone or Android.
![[Image description: a photo of a young white girl in a jean jacket. She is holding a card in front of her chin and mouth. On the card is a photo of a mouth, with silly, pursed lips. Pink overlaid text reads, “Koda Family Fun Night” and “KODAheart #k3famILY.”]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/k3Fam-GameNight-50x50.jpg)
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in a dark red color on the left of the photo, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family" also in dark red. The photograph is of terrarium filled with green succulents, and several small toys including a dinosaur, a TTY, the asl handshape for the letter R, and the heartfinity symbol.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Screen-Shot-2017-11-10-at-2.59.51-PM.png)
![[Image Description: "KODA Family Fun Night" is written in a dark red color on the left of the photo, underneath are the words “KODAheart #k3family" also in dark red. The photograph is of terrarium filled with green succulents, and several small toys including a dinosaur, a TTY, the asl handshape for the letter R, and the heartfinity symbol.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Screen-Shot-2017-11-10-at-2.59.51-PM-50x50.png)
![[Image description: Handprints, in brightly-colored paints, stand out on a white background. At the bottom right, in brown paint, the branches of a tree are visible. Across the image, red text reads, “KODA Family Fun Night" and "KODAheart #k3family".]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/FamActhand.jpg)
![[Image Description: A collage of photos demonstrating the process of creating handprint family tree. In the first image, top left, are art supplies including bottles of colored paints, white paper, and two paintbrushes. In the second image top center, brown paint is applied using a paintbrush, forming a tree trunk and branches. In the third image, top right, red paint is applied to an adult palm. In the fourth image, center-right, an adult hand, is pressed, palm-side down on the white paper, on top of the painted tree branches. In the fifth image, bottom-right, green paint is applied to the palm of a child’s hand. In the final large image, bottom left, red, green, blue, and orange large and small handprints form the leaves of a tree.]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/FamActhand2-1024x1024.jpg)
![[Image description: Handprints, in brightly-colored paints, stand out on a white background. At the bottom right, in brown paint, the branches of a tree are visible. Across the image, red text reads, “KODA Family Fun Night" and "KODAheart #k3family".]](http://kodaheart.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/FamActhand-50x50.jpg)

Looking for ideas to have a KODA Family Fun Night this week? Try creating and performing 1-10 stories! Creative language play is a great way to explore signed languages!
Group 1-10: Each member takes turns contributing to the story. In numeric order, the first player signs a word using the “ONE” handshape. The next player repeats the previous player’s sign and contributes a new sign using the “TWO” handshape. The game continues with each player repeating the story and adding a sign with the next numerical handshape.
1-10, 10-1: Working in order from 1-10-10-1, each member of the group develops a story using the 1-10 handshapes. Have each member perform the story and vote to choose the most creative.
1-10 Categories: Choose a category (like food or animals) and challenge the group to come up with as many signs as they can with 1-10 handshapes. Take turns contributing words or phrases and see how many your family can come up with!
Creative language play is a great way to develop signing vocabularies and to have fun doing it! Record your stories and show us what your family created!