Interested in setting up a pop up camp in your community, but lack the funds to do so? We’ve put together a mini fundraising resource kit to assist in raising the money needed to host an event. If you have any ideas that have been effective for raising funds, let us know and we’ll add it to the list!
Fundraising ideas:
These ideas should serve as a jumping off point for you- feel free to combine a number of approaches or come up with new ones. Do what works best for your community! The best events are the ones that find ways to bring your families together!
Pasta dinner/ pancake breakfast/ ice cream social
Pasta dinner/pancake breakfast/ ice cream socialThese types of events are a great way to bring the community together to raise fun AND funds! Maybe you’re looking for a big turn out with little up-front investment, a pasta dinner can be perfect for this! Some suggestions for your event:
These types of events are a great way to bring the community together to raise fun AND funds! Maybe you’re looking for a big turn out with little up-front investment, a pasta dinner can be perfect for this! Some suggestions for your event:
- Solicit donations from food stores.
- Divide up the dishes (potluck-style).
- Ask your local deaf club, school, church, or legion for space for the event.
These work great if you have a lot of people and some really attractive prizes! Remember, you’ll need volunteers to encourage community members to buy a ticket!
- Solicit donations of gift certificates and prizes from local businesses.
- Be creative with prizes – have any local celebrities? famous locations? fun activities? Raffle off EXPERIENCES as well as prizes.
Car wash
A great seasonal fundraiser – car washes are a guaranteed day of water and fun! Follow the suggestions below to ensure a productive event!
- Get your community together to make signs and advertise the event.
- Choose a location on a busy street.
- Grab volunteers of all ages and work in shifts.
- Ask businesses to “donate” the use of water and space.
Letters of support
It is also possible to access your social networks for support. Send letters to friends and family asking for their help and support.
- Be sure your letter expresses the importance of the event.
- Give specifics on what you’ll be doing, the dates, and your contact information.
- Share your letter with family, friends, local deaf club, ect.
- For examples on how to structure your letter, visit these links:
Give back nights at local restaurant
Many local restaurants will support your fundraising efforts. Look for advertised “give back” nights, or contact the manager directly to ask about hosting an “event night” where a percentage of the sales will be donated to your cause. The link below is a list of possible restaurants in your area that may be willing to help out!
Fund me for the community
A number of online fundraising options exist and allow you to access a wider social network.
- Take advantage of social media to ask for donations from your virtual community, like, kickstarter, fundme. Ask others to repost your requests.
- Create free fundraising webpages like gofundme.