Elevenbee strip

[Image Description:Four images of various items- the first photo is a digital print of two dark brown colored hands each in the ASL shape of R, and L. “Eleven bee Company” is written underneath the L shaped hand. “ROSA LEE” is written in purple lettering at the bottom of the image. Next of three identical holographic stickers of a hand standing upward representing a tree with bark marks going along down the arm. Around the hand at the top is a bunch of leaves. They are silver with a multi-colored sheen. The next item is another digital print with words listed on top of one another in a vertical row. Starting at the top it reads- “PAH” in red text, “BING” in orange, “THAT” in yellow, “CHAMP” in teal, and “VEEVEE” in blue. Along the bottom “KISSFIST” is written out in english and in ASL handshapes.” The last photo on the right shows the words “ASL CARDS for baby” written out in asl handshapes and english with the photo of the HAND tree mentioned earlier next to it.]