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Kimchi Coda Conference fundraiser
May 6, 2017
Su Isakson and Jeffrey Palmer will be hosting a kimchi making workshop to raise funds for Codas of Color/Multicultural Codas to attend the 2017 CODA International conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.
We are honored to have Su’s mother, Son Cha Lee (Oh), lead the workshop and share her kimchi recipe with us.The workshop will be conducted in ASL and participants will have the option of making traditional or vegan kimchi.
If you cannot attend but would still like to offer your support, head to the YouCaring page and make a donation of any amount.
Event Details:
OPEN TO ALL (Codas and non-Codas)
Saturday, May 6th, 2017
Bethesda, Maryland
$40.00 per person
To register (two-step process):
1) fill-out this Google Form:
2) donate $40 to this YouCaring Page…
We believe defraying registration and travel costs is one (of many) ways we can help build a more diverse and inclusive Coda community. Thank you for your participation and contribution.
(We are in the process of being able to offer RID CEUs for this workshop.)