This week, in honor of Deaf Awareness Week, we are highlighting the ways that Deaf people make fantastic parents!
1. Long goodbyes- mean more playing time with friends!
Photo via That Deaf Guy [1]2. Signing deaf parents create bilingual or multilingual families! Exposure to language broadens your knowledge, makes you more creative, and gives you a lot to ‘talk’ about! Learn more about linguistic development here.
3. Technology- from TTY’s to pagers, smartphones and video apps- we’ve grown up with the coolest technology in our homes/lives! Learn more about deaf community technology here.
Photo via PicStitch [2]4. Part of a tight knit community that while small, spans the globe. It’s almost like we have “extended family” wherever you go.
Photo via Vallee Photos [3]5. Access to different cultures. Exposure to different perspectives, sensitive to new experiences.
6. Watching TV with closed captioning means you don’t miss anything!
Photo via Wikimedia [4]7. Deep tradition of storytelling and exposure to incredible performers. Nothing like watching old school greats like Bernard Bragg and CJ Jones. Sites like D-PAN and performers on YouTube encourage various types of language play!
Photo via See What I’m Saying [5]8. Sign language is a super power, allowing us to communicate across great distances and through barriers no matter how loud it is! We can even have private conversations in public without anyone knowing what is going on!
9. Being in tune with behavior and body language, means that we are much better at reading the moods of the people around us. Learn more about the advantages to being multilingual here.
Photo via Wikimedia [6]10. Because they love us so much. Because Deaf-Koda families are awesome, unique, the best and always a blast time!